The Prosecco self-help group is now hosted by the AIDS-Hilfe Stuttgart. You can find all further information at: www.selbsthilfegruppe-prosecco.de.
What´s the support group „Prosecco“?
The support group “Prosecco” is a self-help group for all people diagnosedwith prostatecancer who are not heterosexual. The logo of the self-help group therefore shows a bladder surrounded by rainbow colors and the prostate in rainbow colors.
All queer, gay, bisexual, intersex and transsexual people diagnosed with prostate cancer are welcome.
It is also unimportant whether the diagnosis is new or has already been treated for a long time.
Why the name „Prosecco“?
The name is made up of “pro” from prostate and the Italian “secco”, which means “dry”. Because “dryness” after treatment of prostate cancer is an important issue for many patients. It affects urinary continence, but also potency with the so-called “dry orgasm” after prostate removal.
In addition, the group-name should not be reminiscent of cancer and should be a little bit funny.
Because you get through a lot better with a sense of humor.
Why a separate support group for people who are not straight?
The prostate plays a major role in sex life. “Prostate carriers” who have sex with men are affected differently by prostate cancer than straight men. This is also shown by studies on the subject. For example, after treatment for prostate cancer, gay and bisexual men are less satisfied with their life situation and more likely to suffer from depression than heterosexual men. The partners are also affected in a different way than in heterosexual relationships.
What can the self-help group do?
The self-help group offers all those affected a safe space to talk about their experiences and fears. But also enjoying life together, enjoying the success of treatment together and providing support in the event of failure are all part of it.
A support group can improve the quality of life.
Can the partners also join the group?
This is intentional. However, since the group is still being set up, it is initially only aimed at those affected by prostate cancer themselves. If they agree to opening the group to their partners, this will of course be implemented.
Do I have to register myself?
Yes. Because we need to know, if there is any interest in the self-help group.
Where do I sign?
Quite simply at: info@selbsthilfegruppe-prosecco.de
In your e-mail, let us know which day of the week, what time and which cycle of the group meetings you prefer.
You can also use the e-mail address if you have further questions about the group.